What is this business?

My name is Chris DeLuca, and this, if you haven’t guessed it already, this is my blog. My interests are pretty varied, so if you like one of my topics, there’s a good chance you won’t like the rest. I’m good with marketing like that.

My primary interests are comedy, writing, programming, and gaming, and I make an effort to keep them all properly categorized, so you can fearlessly ignore the stuff you don’t want to know about.

I am employed as a front end developer at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I am a member of the improv comedy team Call Your Mom, and am a long time D&D player, among many other games.

I live in New York City.1


This blog is built with Jekyll, and hosted on Github pages. The theme was built by John Otander (@4lpine). The artwork is by the lovely and talented Laurie Berenhaus. The social icons in the footer are from Font Awesome, built with Fontello.

This site’s code is available in the Github repository.

  1. Bitches.